
Here you can find a list of Astro-ph papers related mainly to Galactic Structure and Evolution. The list of Astro-ph papers discussed during the Galaxy Dynamics Group meeting at UCLan can be found here. The list of papers discussed during the Milky Way Brazilian group meeting can be found here. Check my Mendeley library for a larger collection.

Suggested Astro-ph papers:

December 2024:

November 2024:

October 2024:

September 2024:

August 2024:

July 2024:

June 2024:

May 2024:

April 2024:

March 2024:

February 2024:

January 2024:

December 2023:

November 2023:

October 2023:

September 2023:

August 2023

July 2023:

June 2023:

May 2023:

April 2023:

March 2023:

February 2023:

January 2023:

December 2022:

November 2022:

October 2022:

September 2022:

August 2022:

July 2022:

June 2022:

May 2022:

April 2022:

March 2022:

February 2022:

January 2022:

December 2021:

November 2021:

October 2021:

September 2021:

August 2021:

July 2021:

June 2021:

May 2021:

April 2021:

March 2021:

February 2021:

January 2021:

December 2020:

List from November 2020:

List from October 2020:

List from September 2020:

List from August 2020:

List from July 2020:

List from June 2020:

List from May 2020:

List from April 2020:

List from March 2020:

List from February 17th to 28th:

List from February 03rd to 14th:

List from January 27th to 31st:

List from January 20th to 24th:

List from January 13th to 17th:

List from December 30th to January 10th:

List from December 23rd to 27th:

List from December 16th to 20th:

List from December 9th to 13th:

List from December 2nd to 6th:

List from November 25th to 29th:

List from November 18th to 22nd:

List from November 11th to 15th:

List from November 4th to 8th:

List from October 28th to November 1st:

List from October 21st to 25th:

List from October 14th to 18th:

List from October 1st to 11th:

List from ~September to October 1st: